Patients with recurrent infections are often experienced by patients with allergy and hypersensitive digestion. Allergy sufferers are often have complaints of cough, colds and fever. Often a major state who suffered cough and cold symptoms is not actually a direct result of allergy but decreased immune system so that frequent recurrent respiratory tract infections.Recurrent infections is what is often considered a symptom of allergies. Because it is often the patient even in certain circumstances a doctor is difficult to distinguish an allergy or infection.Recurrent infections in children are infections that are often experienced by a child is particularly acute respiratory infections. This condition is caused due to lower a person's susceptibility to infection terkenanya. Usually this is experienced recurrent infections differ in the frequency of recurrence, mild symptoms of weight, type of illness and complications arising as a result. This disorder often occurs in people with allergies and in patients with immune deficiency, although the latter case is relatively rare.Severe immune system deficiency disorders are also frequently experience recurrent infections, but this case is extremely rare. Among them is a disturbance of some type of immune system deficiency of myeloperoxidase deficiency, Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease (SCID), Cystic fibrosis, selective IgA deficiency, a deficiency of complement C4b and other autoimmune disorders.The human immuneThe human immune system include non-specific immunity. Called non-specific because the immune system is intended to deter the entry of all kinds of substances from outside that are foreign to the body and can cause disease, such as various kinds of bacteria, viruses, parasites or substances harmful to the body.Non-specific immune system of physical defense, chemical, mechanical and phagocytosis. Physical defenses of the skin and the lining of the lenders while the chemical form of enzymes and gastric acidity. Defense is the mechanical movement of the intestines, hair shakes and membrane lenders. Phagocytosis is the ingestion germ defense / foreign agents by white blood cells and substances that function complements the various processes of destruction of germs or foreign substances. Damage to this defense system will facilitate the entry of bacteria or foreign substances into the body. For example, skin sores, impaired gastric acidity, impaired bowel movement or the ingestion of foreign substances by bacteria or white blood cell (leukocyte cells).An example of destruction of natural immunity is the mechanism of bacteria or other microorganisms that may be brought in while we eat. HCl is there in the stomach will interfere with important enzymes in microorganisms. Lysozyme is an enzyme that can digest the cell walls of bacteria so that bacteria will lose its ability to cause disease in our bodies. This causes loss of cell wall bekteri cells will die. In addition, there is a chemical compound called interferon produced by cells in response to incoming virus attacks the body. Interferon works to destroy the virus by inhibiting the multiplication of the virus in the cell body. The existence of these disorders result in a disturbance of the functioning of the immune system to destroy fungi, viruses and bacteria.It can be said that the body's defense mechanism almost most, or about 70% formed in the gastrointestinal tract. Patients with recurrent infections often have a sensitive digestive tract it is also often the case there are people with allergies, food hypersensitivity, premature infants or infants with a history TRDN temporary or tightness or shortness of 1-5 days when the newborn. Disturbance congested when the newborn is often considered to be swallowed amniotic fluid.There are four main causes of recurrent infections in children, such as exposure to the environment, structure and anatomy of organs, immune system problems (excessive immune system mechanisms (allergy sufferers) or lack of) or infectious disease that never cured completely. Genetic factors play a role thought to participate in this disorder. In certain genetic or one parent as a child may also be derived easily hurt her child, especially children and parents who have the same face.Environmental factors such as contact with a source of infection is very influential. Usually the contact factor is uutama other sufferers who are also easily hurt at home. In the ordinary people are usually just simple diertai flu symptoms, cough or sometimes just body easily tired or aching body. Myagia or body pegel this is actually one of the symptoms of viral infection. Symptoms were considered during this often fatigue, lack of sleep or subject to the wind.Funsi gastrointestinal disorders that occur in people with an easy, at the age of the baby boy looks easy vomiting, nausea, especially when under the age of 1 year. Or age of the baby has GER (Reflux Gastrooesephageal). Above the age of 1 year is usually nausea or vomiting while riding in a car, coughing, crying or running.Recurrent abdominal pain, bloating sufferers often have a history of difficult CHAPTER (bowel movements), not BAB every day, often black dirt, round like goat droppings, hard and sharp odor. Thrush, halitosis, recurrent abdominal yeri, halitosis, tooth decay (caries), bleeding gums, tongue dry and often bloody, tongue often white, berpulau-island or dirty.Gastrointestinal disorders are sometimes followed by failure to thrive or increase body weight disorders.Other accompanying symptoms are frequent coughs, colds, asthma, skin disorders, nosebleeds.HandlingTo prevent recurrent infections we must identify the causes and risk factors. When our children experience allergic symptoms may be the main cause is an allergic factor. Handling of the most important allergy is avoidance of allergens, especially avoidance of certain foods that are at risk of annoying.When the decreased immune system occurs in people with allergies then control allergy symptoms, especially gastrointestinal disorders should be corrected. To deal with allergic disorders of the most important is to recognize and avoid the allergens. In allergic patients with gastrointestinal disorders are the most common cause of food allergies. Determination of the cause of food allergy is the most difficult part of handling allergies. Diagnosis of food allergy is made based on clinical diagnosis, ie diagnose (find out the patient medical history) and a careful examination of family history, feeding history, signs and symptoms of food allergy in infancy and by elimination and provocation. To ensure food allergens should use a blind food provocation (Double Blind Placebo Control Food Challenge = DBPCFC). DBPCFC is the gold standard or gold standard to find the exact cause of food allergies. DBPCFC way is very complicated and takes time, is impractical and not cost a bit. Some of the allergic child care centers modify the way it is. Children's Allergy Clinic Jakarta perform modifications in a more simple, cheap and quite effective. DBPCFC modifications by doing "Open Simple Food Elimination Provocation '.Risk factor for recurrent infections are environmental factors. Environment should be aware of is contact against exposure to infections such as the many family members, family members who also had recurrent infections, passive smoking, swimming pool, traveling to crowded public places, schools and child care too early when the mother works.The provision of immunizations, especially influenza and certain imunomudulator may help reduce this risk. But the provision of vitamins and flavor with ingredients such as marine fish, the smell of orange or brown are likely to exacerbate existing problems. Immunization and imunomudulator often not much useful if the main cause of allergic factors are not corrected. Because, although many cases have done imunsasi influenza and take vitamins regularly but still it is often sick.Pemberia when they cough or cold medicine if the complaint does not interfere with light and should be stopped. Because if the cause is viral infection will get better within 5-7 days. Giving antibiotics in recurrent infection does not seem to be given because the most common cause is due to viral infection. Recommendations and outreach campaign to parents and doctors that have been conducted by joint CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) gives a true understanding of the use of antibiotics. Colds, fever and cough are symptoms of upper respiratory infections are often caused by viruses. Change the color of phlegm and snot turned into a viscous yellow, slimy and green is the clinical course of Upper Respiratory Infection due to a virus, not merupaklan indication of antibiotics. Antibiotics will not shorten the course of the disease and prevent bacterial infections ride While antibiotics may be necessary in patients with recurrent infections with primary immune deficiency disorders, and these cases are very rare.
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> My son and Frequent Drinking Easy Pain Medication
My son and Frequent Drinking Easy Pain Medication
A young mother is very concerned about the child's condition only child. Since the age of 6 months to 3 years is almost always to the doctor every month due to illness. Indeed, they often have to go to the doctor two or three times a month. Not only that, it's her baby had been hospitalized five times because of illness. Complaints are often experienced cough, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea and heat. Plus parental concern because the child has too often taking medication especially antibiotics is routine consumption of every ill. Even as is often painful and increase body weight is also affected patients ultimately diagnosed and treated as a TB. And after re-examination confirmed a complete diagnosis is not provenSome groups of children of certain ages and groups often experience such things. There are two main causes of why it happened. The main factor is the immune system that is not optimal. Another important factor there is usually contact other people who are also prone to recurrent infections.Said to be recurrent infections in children if the infection is often experienced by a child. This condition is caused due to lower a person's susceptibility to infection terkenanya. In this recurrent infections occur that are different from normal children in terms of frequency of illness, mild symptoms of weight, type of illness and complications arising as a result.Disease frequency is the frequency of occurrence of disease within a certain period. In recurrent infections occur when the infection occurred more than 8 times in a year or when the infection occurs 1-2 times per month for 6 consecutive months. Research has been conducted the Cleveland Clinic United States, that in normal children aged <1 year experienced an average of 6 times a year infections, age 1-5 years experience 7-8 times per year, children aged 5-12 years experience 5-7 times per year and children aged 13-16 years experienced 4-5 times per year.Fever is often very high or over 39 C. With other children the same disease with infection may only have a fever of about 38 to 38.5 C.In case of recurring infection or intermittent pain in sequence in the near future, patients often experience a high leukocyte up and down despite suffering a mild infection. Lekositnya usually count the number increased to 17000-23000. Some patients in a state sehatpun after a few weeks when examined leucocytes settled around 15000-17000.Problems experienced by patients with recurrent infections in children often experience complications of chronic tonsillitis (tonsils), ear pain, otitis media (ear infection), magnifying glands around the neck, failure to thrive or weight loss hard to ride.In patients with tonsillitis often experience overtreatment or actions that are sometimes unnecessary or redundant with antibiotics or surgery performed tonsillectomy tonsils or tonsils. Some cases have overdiagnosis tuberculosis or tuberculosis of children do not experience pain but is treated as tuberculosis.In rare cases the child has pnemoni, mastoiditis, sepsis (severe infection), encephalitis (brain inflammation) or meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain). Or, conversely children who have diseases such as her immune system is usually bad.Conduct disorder sufferers often accompanies recurrent infections include sleep disturbances, emotional disturbances, impaired concentration and learning disorders. Social problems faced by an increase in the cost of treatment is very large and interfere with school attendance.This disorder is more common in the child's age, so it is very disturbing growth and development of children.
Patients with recurrent infections are often experienced by patients with allergy and hypersensitive digestion. Allergy sufferers are often have complaints of cough, colds and fever. Often a major state who suffered cough and cold symptoms is not actually a direct result of allergy but decreased immune system so that frequent recurrent respiratory tract infections.Recurrent infections is what is often considered a symptom of allergies. Because it is often the patient even in certain circumstances a doctor is difficult to distinguish an allergy or infection.Recurrent infections in children are infections that are often experienced by a child is particularly acute respiratory infections. This condition is caused due to lower a person's susceptibility to infection terkenanya. Usually this is experienced recurrent infections differ in the frequency of recurrence, mild symptoms of weight, type of illness and complications arising as a result. This disorder often occurs in people with allergies and in patients with immune deficiency, although the latter case is relatively rare.Severe immune system deficiency disorders are also frequently experience recurrent infections, but this case is extremely rare. Among them is a disturbance of some type of immune system deficiency of myeloperoxidase deficiency, Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease (SCID), Cystic fibrosis, selective IgA deficiency, a deficiency of complement C4b and other autoimmune disorders.The human immuneThe human immune system include non-specific immunity. Called non-specific because the immune system is intended to deter the entry of all kinds of substances from outside that are foreign to the body and can cause disease, such as various kinds of bacteria, viruses, parasites or substances harmful to the body.Non-specific immune system of physical defense, chemical, mechanical and phagocytosis. Physical defenses of the skin and the lining of the lenders while the chemical form of enzymes and gastric acidity. Defense is the mechanical movement of the intestines, hair shakes and membrane lenders. Phagocytosis is the ingestion germ defense / foreign agents by white blood cells and substances that function complements the various processes of destruction of germs or foreign substances. Damage to this defense system will facilitate the entry of bacteria or foreign substances into the body. For example, skin sores, impaired gastric acidity, impaired bowel movement or the ingestion of foreign substances by bacteria or white blood cell (leukocyte cells).An example of destruction of natural immunity is the mechanism of bacteria or other microorganisms that may be brought in while we eat. HCl is there in the stomach will interfere with important enzymes in microorganisms. Lysozyme is an enzyme that can digest the cell walls of bacteria so that bacteria will lose its ability to cause disease in our bodies. This causes loss of cell wall bekteri cells will die. In addition, there is a chemical compound called interferon produced by cells in response to incoming virus attacks the body. Interferon works to destroy the virus by inhibiting the multiplication of the virus in the cell body. The existence of these disorders result in a disturbance of the functioning of the immune system to destroy fungi, viruses and bacteria.It can be said that the body's defense mechanism almost most, or about 70% formed in the gastrointestinal tract. Patients with recurrent infections often have a sensitive digestive tract it is also often the case there are people with allergies, food hypersensitivity, premature infants or infants with a history TRDN temporary or tightness or shortness of 1-5 days when the newborn. Disturbance congested when the newborn is often considered to be swallowed amniotic fluid.There are four main causes of recurrent infections in children, such as exposure to the environment, structure and anatomy of organs, immune system problems (excessive immune system mechanisms (allergy sufferers) or lack of) or infectious disease that never cured completely. Genetic factors play a role thought to participate in this disorder. In certain genetic or one parent as a child may also be derived easily hurt her child, especially children and parents who have the same face.Environmental factors such as contact with a source of infection is very influential. Usually the contact factor is uutama other sufferers who are also easily hurt at home. In the ordinary people are usually just simple diertai flu symptoms, cough or sometimes just body easily tired or aching body. Myagia or body pegel this is actually one of the symptoms of viral infection. Symptoms were considered during this often fatigue, lack of sleep or subject to the wind.Funsi gastrointestinal disorders that occur in people with an easy, at the age of the baby boy looks easy vomiting, nausea, especially when under the age of 1 year. Or age of the baby has GER (Reflux Gastrooesephageal). Above the age of 1 year is usually nausea or vomiting while riding in a car, coughing, crying or running.Recurrent abdominal pain, bloating sufferers often have a history of difficult CHAPTER (bowel movements), not BAB every day, often black dirt, round like goat droppings, hard and sharp odor. Thrush, halitosis, recurrent abdominal yeri, halitosis, tooth decay (caries), bleeding gums, tongue dry and often bloody, tongue often white, berpulau-island or dirty.Gastrointestinal disorders are sometimes followed by failure to thrive or increase body weight disorders.Other accompanying symptoms are frequent coughs, colds, asthma, skin disorders, nosebleeds.HandlingTo prevent recurrent infections we must identify the causes and risk factors. When our children experience allergic symptoms may be the main cause is an allergic factor. Handling of the most important allergy is avoidance of allergens, especially avoidance of certain foods that are at risk of annoying.When the decreased immune system occurs in people with allergies then control allergy symptoms, especially gastrointestinal disorders should be corrected. To deal with allergic disorders of the most important is to recognize and avoid the allergens. In allergic patients with gastrointestinal disorders are the most common cause of food allergies. Determination of the cause of food allergy is the most difficult part of handling allergies. Diagnosis of food allergy is made based on clinical diagnosis, ie diagnose (find out the patient medical history) and a careful examination of family history, feeding history, signs and symptoms of food allergy in infancy and by elimination and provocation. To ensure food allergens should use a blind food provocation (Double Blind Placebo Control Food Challenge = DBPCFC). DBPCFC is the gold standard or gold standard to find the exact cause of food allergies. DBPCFC way is very complicated and takes time, is impractical and not cost a bit. Some of the allergic child care centers modify the way it is. Children's Allergy Clinic Jakarta perform modifications in a more simple, cheap and quite effective. DBPCFC modifications by doing "Open Simple Food Elimination Provocation '.Risk factor for recurrent infections are environmental factors. Environment should be aware of is contact against exposure to infections such as the many family members, family members who also had recurrent infections, passive smoking, swimming pool, traveling to crowded public places, schools and child care too early when the mother works.The provision of immunizations, especially influenza and certain imunomudulator may help reduce this risk. But the provision of vitamins and flavor with ingredients such as marine fish, the smell of orange or brown are likely to exacerbate existing problems. Immunization and imunomudulator often not much useful if the main cause of allergic factors are not corrected. Because, although many cases have done imunsasi influenza and take vitamins regularly but still it is often sick.Pemberia when they cough or cold medicine if the complaint does not interfere with light and should be stopped. Because if the cause is viral infection will get better within 5-7 days. Giving antibiotics in recurrent infection does not seem to be given because the most common cause is due to viral infection. Recommendations and outreach campaign to parents and doctors that have been conducted by joint CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) gives a true understanding of the use of antibiotics. Colds, fever and cough are symptoms of upper respiratory infections are often caused by viruses. Change the color of phlegm and snot turned into a viscous yellow, slimy and green is the clinical course of Upper Respiratory Infection due to a virus, not merupaklan indication of antibiotics. Antibiotics will not shorten the course of the disease and prevent bacterial infections ride While antibiotics may be necessary in patients with recurrent infections with primary immune deficiency disorders, and these cases are very rare.
Patients with recurrent infections are often experienced by patients with allergy and hypersensitive digestion. Allergy sufferers are often have complaints of cough, colds and fever. Often a major state who suffered cough and cold symptoms is not actually a direct result of allergy but decreased immune system so that frequent recurrent respiratory tract infections.Recurrent infections is what is often considered a symptom of allergies. Because it is often the patient even in certain circumstances a doctor is difficult to distinguish an allergy or infection.Recurrent infections in children are infections that are often experienced by a child is particularly acute respiratory infections. This condition is caused due to lower a person's susceptibility to infection terkenanya. Usually this is experienced recurrent infections differ in the frequency of recurrence, mild symptoms of weight, type of illness and complications arising as a result. This disorder often occurs in people with allergies and in patients with immune deficiency, although the latter case is relatively rare.Severe immune system deficiency disorders are also frequently experience recurrent infections, but this case is extremely rare. Among them is a disturbance of some type of immune system deficiency of myeloperoxidase deficiency, Severe Combined Immunodeficiency Disease (SCID), Cystic fibrosis, selective IgA deficiency, a deficiency of complement C4b and other autoimmune disorders.The human immuneThe human immune system include non-specific immunity. Called non-specific because the immune system is intended to deter the entry of all kinds of substances from outside that are foreign to the body and can cause disease, such as various kinds of bacteria, viruses, parasites or substances harmful to the body.Non-specific immune system of physical defense, chemical, mechanical and phagocytosis. Physical defenses of the skin and the lining of the lenders while the chemical form of enzymes and gastric acidity. Defense is the mechanical movement of the intestines, hair shakes and membrane lenders. Phagocytosis is the ingestion germ defense / foreign agents by white blood cells and substances that function complements the various processes of destruction of germs or foreign substances. Damage to this defense system will facilitate the entry of bacteria or foreign substances into the body. For example, skin sores, impaired gastric acidity, impaired bowel movement or the ingestion of foreign substances by bacteria or white blood cell (leukocyte cells).An example of destruction of natural immunity is the mechanism of bacteria or other microorganisms that may be brought in while we eat. HCl is there in the stomach will interfere with important enzymes in microorganisms. Lysozyme is an enzyme that can digest the cell walls of bacteria so that bacteria will lose its ability to cause disease in our bodies. This causes loss of cell wall bekteri cells will die. In addition, there is a chemical compound called interferon produced by cells in response to incoming virus attacks the body. Interferon works to destroy the virus by inhibiting the multiplication of the virus in the cell body. The existence of these disorders result in a disturbance of the functioning of the immune system to destroy fungi, viruses and bacteria.It can be said that the body's defense mechanism almost most, or about 70% formed in the gastrointestinal tract. Patients with recurrent infections often have a sensitive digestive tract it is also often the case there are people with allergies, food hypersensitivity, premature infants or infants with a history TRDN temporary or tightness or shortness of 1-5 days when the newborn. Disturbance congested when the newborn is often considered to be swallowed amniotic fluid.There are four main causes of recurrent infections in children, such as exposure to the environment, structure and anatomy of organs, immune system problems (excessive immune system mechanisms (allergy sufferers) or lack of) or infectious disease that never cured completely. Genetic factors play a role thought to participate in this disorder. In certain genetic or one parent as a child may also be derived easily hurt her child, especially children and parents who have the same face.Environmental factors such as contact with a source of infection is very influential. Usually the contact factor is uutama other sufferers who are also easily hurt at home. In the ordinary people are usually just simple diertai flu symptoms, cough or sometimes just body easily tired or aching body. Myagia or body pegel this is actually one of the symptoms of viral infection. Symptoms were considered during this often fatigue, lack of sleep or subject to the wind.Funsi gastrointestinal disorders that occur in people with an easy, at the age of the baby boy looks easy vomiting, nausea, especially when under the age of 1 year. Or age of the baby has GER (Reflux Gastrooesephageal). Above the age of 1 year is usually nausea or vomiting while riding in a car, coughing, crying or running.Recurrent abdominal pain, bloating sufferers often have a history of difficult CHAPTER (bowel movements), not BAB every day, often black dirt, round like goat droppings, hard and sharp odor. Thrush, halitosis, recurrent abdominal yeri, halitosis, tooth decay (caries), bleeding gums, tongue dry and often bloody, tongue often white, berpulau-island or dirty.Gastrointestinal disorders are sometimes followed by failure to thrive or increase body weight disorders.Other accompanying symptoms are frequent coughs, colds, asthma, skin disorders, nosebleeds.HandlingTo prevent recurrent infections we must identify the causes and risk factors. When our children experience allergic symptoms may be the main cause is an allergic factor. Handling of the most important allergy is avoidance of allergens, especially avoidance of certain foods that are at risk of annoying.When the decreased immune system occurs in people with allergies then control allergy symptoms, especially gastrointestinal disorders should be corrected. To deal with allergic disorders of the most important is to recognize and avoid the allergens. In allergic patients with gastrointestinal disorders are the most common cause of food allergies. Determination of the cause of food allergy is the most difficult part of handling allergies. Diagnosis of food allergy is made based on clinical diagnosis, ie diagnose (find out the patient medical history) and a careful examination of family history, feeding history, signs and symptoms of food allergy in infancy and by elimination and provocation. To ensure food allergens should use a blind food provocation (Double Blind Placebo Control Food Challenge = DBPCFC). DBPCFC is the gold standard or gold standard to find the exact cause of food allergies. DBPCFC way is very complicated and takes time, is impractical and not cost a bit. Some of the allergic child care centers modify the way it is. Children's Allergy Clinic Jakarta perform modifications in a more simple, cheap and quite effective. DBPCFC modifications by doing "Open Simple Food Elimination Provocation '.Risk factor for recurrent infections are environmental factors. Environment should be aware of is contact against exposure to infections such as the many family members, family members who also had recurrent infections, passive smoking, swimming pool, traveling to crowded public places, schools and child care too early when the mother works.The provision of immunizations, especially influenza and certain imunomudulator may help reduce this risk. But the provision of vitamins and flavor with ingredients such as marine fish, the smell of orange or brown are likely to exacerbate existing problems. Immunization and imunomudulator often not much useful if the main cause of allergic factors are not corrected. Because, although many cases have done imunsasi influenza and take vitamins regularly but still it is often sick.Pemberia when they cough or cold medicine if the complaint does not interfere with light and should be stopped. Because if the cause is viral infection will get better within 5-7 days. Giving antibiotics in recurrent infection does not seem to be given because the most common cause is due to viral infection. Recommendations and outreach campaign to parents and doctors that have been conducted by joint CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) gives a true understanding of the use of antibiotics. Colds, fever and cough are symptoms of upper respiratory infections are often caused by viruses. Change the color of phlegm and snot turned into a viscous yellow, slimy and green is the clinical course of Upper Respiratory Infection due to a virus, not merupaklan indication of antibiotics. Antibiotics will not shorten the course of the disease and prevent bacterial infections ride While antibiotics may be necessary in patients with recurrent infections with primary immune deficiency disorders, and these cases are very rare.