Lumus showcases DK-32 and PD-18-4 HD 3D video glasses at CES 2012

If you’ve always wanted a 3D-ready tablet or smartphone but never had the kind of money to actually buy one, Lumus’s new invention may just be the thing for you. Two different types of wearable displays, called the DK-32 and the PD-18-4, were shown off by Lumus at the CES 2012. The DK-32 is essentially a pair of glasses which uses Light-guide Optical Element (LOE) technology to cleverly display 3D images in a way that is not distressing to the viewer’s eyes. The 720p 3D-capable Lumus DK-32 weighs just 27 grams and the PD-18-4 is the monocular version of the device.

Lumus’ DK-32 delivers a bright 720p 3D-capable display that only weighs 27 grams.
The glasses use technology patented by the Israeli company and allow users to view three-dimensional videos as if they were being projected onto an 87-inch screen almost 10 feet away. In both the monocular form as well as the video glasses, the technology uses fiber optics embedded within each lens and uses the Optical Engine to project light into the lens. In the next step, video and images from an HDMI source are reflected directly into the viewer’s eyes. A micro-display pod allows users to adjust the brightness, contrast and colors of the images and videos.

Since the images appear to be suspended in mid-air at a distance, they cause any unnecessary strain to the viewer’s eyes. The firm doesn’t have any market-ready gadgets yet both hope that their developmental kits will be picked up by some electronics giant soon.

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